loading progress bar

Create a loading progress bar, so the visitor can monitor file download speed.

        <div id="map" style="position:relative;left:100px;width:400px;height:400px;"><div>
        <div id="progressDiv"

  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.spacial.io/cad4web/lib/cad4web.js"><script>

    var cad = new cad4web.ContextClass( 'map', { backgroundColor: [20, 20, 20, 1] });
    var file = 'http://www.spacial.io/cad4web/files/nomoi_okxe_line.shp;

    function progressCallback(n) {
         document.getElementById('progressDiv').style.width = n / 3603764 * 100 + '%';

    cad.addShp(file, [190, 100, 250 ], { progressCallback: progressCallback } )
        .then (function () {
        }) ;


//  map div must have explicitly position defined
   (absolute, relative, etc).

//  define div to display progress

//  File on server must have header
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

//  clear library intro image

//  create function to adjust progress div width
     file size must be known

//  pass function as parameter